Good for Nothing
Started as an experiment in 2010, I co-founded Good for Nothing with Tom Farrand and Tom Rowley as a way to channel commercial creative talent towards issues of social and environmental injustice and change. It’s a convening platform harnessing creativity for good. It operates on generosity and gifting principles, people give what they’re good at, in ways that work for them, doing good, for nothing.
Good for Nothing shows up in local place based chapters who organise design hacks and sprints and in remote online challenges. It was backed by NESTA’s innovation in giving fund, featured in the Observer’s Britain’s 50 New Radicals, and was once described as ‘creative collaboration meets rave’. At its peak it spread to 40 chapters in 9 countries popping up in Sydney, Melbourne, Wellington, Bath , Chester and beyond.
Good for Nothing is a rebellion of the heart.